On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 9:22 PM, Ivan Voras <ivo...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a very embarrassing problem where apache22-worker, running
> mod_fcgid with php, perl and python fastcgi processes, hangs daliy in
> wait4:
> # procstat -k 54688
>   PID    TID COMM             TDNAME           KSTACK
> 54688 101355 httpd            -                mi_switch
> sleepq_catch_signals sleepq_wait_sig _sleep kern_wait sys_wait4
> amd64_syscall Xfast_syscall
> The only suspicious things in logs is this:
> [Sat Jul 07 20:00:01 2012] [notice] SIGUSR1 received.  Doing graceful
> restart
> [Sat Jul 07 20:00:10 2012] [error] FastCGI process 41228 still did not
> exit, terminating forcefully
> The 41228 process is a Perl FastCGI web application using p5-FCGI
> (wwsympa), and it is in the accept wchan.
> Any ideas?

Is it the same time?  newsyslog perhaps?

Adam Vande More
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