On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 07:04:22PM +0200, Claude Buisson wrote:
> > And for the record, they are NOT official snapshots.
> I know, but:
> - there are no more "official snapshots" on freebsd.org

This is a problem, and for what it is worth (and as Mark mentioned in a
previous reply), the end goal is "official" snapshots.

> - anybody enquiring about it on the lists is directed to allbsd.org

For clarification purposes, my goal is _not_ to compete with allbsd.org
(in case anyone sees it that way), but to provide an alternative
location for snapshots.

> - the recently created snapshots.glenbarber.us is much more limited

May I ask what it is that is limiting?  If there is some limitation, I
certainly will do what I can to address it.

Right now, the limitations I am already aware of are:

 - Lack of varying ranges of dates of snapshots to download.  This is
   really due to lack of space on the machine these snapshots are
   hosted to hold much more than 3 days of snapshots.

 - Lack of snapshots for the stable/8 branch.  I'm working on this, and
   differences (infrastructurally) in how the release builds work
   between stable/9 and stable/8 are trickier than I originally
   anticipated to work around.  I have local patches to the release
   build script in -CURRENT that I have been testing to make "legacy"
   release builds do the right thing, and have had some success with my
   changes, but I am not yet comfortable committing them just yet.
   Having said that, I will not upload snapshot images that I am not
   sure are okay to use.

As mentioned in my original email, I certainly do welcome feedback.  I
certainly will do what I can to address any issues and/or limitations.


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