On 11/26/12 23:09, Bas Smeelen wrote:

Probable addition
8.8 I get a lot of 'spurious interrupts detected' messages on a modified
i386 build kernel and my computer does not work right. What did I do wrong?

You have a single processor computer, build your own customized kernel
and disabled
options SMP (multiprocessor).
Probably you also disabled the line below,
device          apic                    # I/O APIC

This is code for the advanced programmable interrupt controller which
also controls interrupts for your attached devices, being ethernet cards
and others.
Do not disable this device.

While I don't know about apic, there used to be "KEEP THIS!!!" comments in GENERIC's conf file. I guess this would be more on the spot than a FAQ you'd read *after* removing this.

Just my 2c.


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