Hello, 'Jeremy.
You wrote 24 января 2013 г., 12:57:17:

JC> to install Subversion.  If you want to pull down ports/ you can use
JC> portsnap and waste lots of /var space, hoping that the portsnap mirrors
JC> are up to date, and a bunch of other hullabaloo...
   In case of csup, you relies that the cvs mirrors are up to date.
 And  what about /var space... svn spends much more space in
 /usr/ports itself (.svn directory) than portsnap does (now my
 /var/db/portsnap directory is 95MiB, and .svn for ports will be
 comparable with size of ports itself!).

   I personally (maintainer of subversion port!) prefer csup over all
 other methods for "non-developers" systems too, and I'll be happy to
 see "svnup" when (if?) it will be created...

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <l...@freebsd.org>

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