On 01/28/13 08:17, Isaac (.ike) Levy wrote:

On Jan 28, 2013, at 9:09 AM, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
- I'm wondering if there is a clean/reliable way to pull an index of the CTM 
deltas?  (This is still very far from the one-liner c[v]sup had become, it 
would be great to check for new delta files in a simple automated manner.)

Not sure what you mean.  You can do "ctm -l file-name" and it will tell
you what files are modified in that delta.  And for ports, you have the
usual "make fetchindex."  But that is about it.

I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough- I meant:
On the FTP server, is there an index of which CTM delta files are on the FTP 
server?  I'd like to automate fetching just the new deltas...

If there was perhaps 1 file with a consistent name, I could fetch that on a 
nightly basis and fetch the other CTM files.

I can easily put in something like this. Maybe the output of ls in each directory?

If you have more ideas on this, sign up to the ctm-users mailing list, and we can discuss exactly what is wanted.

- does CTM go away with the CVS servers, e.g. who/how is it supported supported 
and maintained going foreword under SVN?

No.  CTM is now completely dependent on svn.  I create the CTM deltas on
a computer owned by the University of Missouri.

Is there any redundancy for this process, for example, deltas being created out 
on the east/west mirrors?  Perhaps as an SVN post-commit hook?

No. The deltas are created in one place. And they are created every 16 hours according to a rigid schedule.

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