On 30.07.13 15:21, Mark Felder wrote:
People don't seem upset about not having a webserver, IMAP/POP daemon,
or LDAP server in base, so I don't understand what the big deal is about
removing BIND.

I believe the primary reason these things are not in the base system is that they have plenty of dependencies, with possibly conflicting licenses etc.

If the concern is over the rare case when you absolutely
need a DNS recursor and there are none you can reach I suppose we should
just import Unbound.

There are many and good reasons to include an fully featured name server, or at least full recursive resolver. For example, for properly supporting DNSSEC. We could in theory remove the BIND's authoritative name server executable... if that is attracting the SAs.

The justification "reduce the number of SA's", that is, "the bad PR" is probably not enough. Going that direction, we should consider Comrade Stalin's maxim "FreeBSD exists, there are problems, here is the solution -- no FreeBSD, no problems!" :-)

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