On 01/08/2013 00:28, Chris H wrote:

In the first instance, /usr/ports was removed (before initiating portsnap). But 
the second attempt, I performed a mkdir /usr/ports. But in the end, the results 
the same;
portsnap fetch fetched the image, verified the image,
extracted to /var/db/portsnap/ports, then patched, and exited.
I did _not_ issue portsnap fetch && portsnap extract.
So I guess portsnap extract is a noop. Guess it's time to update the portsnap(8)
man pages to indicate portsnap fetch is no longer an option.

'portsnap fetch' downloads the relevant data to /var/db/portsnap
'portsnap extract' extracts the files to /usr/ports
'portsnap update' updates existing files in /usr/ports

So on a clean system you use portsnap fetch extract
Then to update later you use portsnap fetch update

(you can give multiple commands to portsnap in one go)

If fetch extract works on amd64 and not i386 then you should submit a problem report so that it can be fixed.

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