> Upgraded to FreeBSD 9.2 from what version?  If it was anything 9.x then
> you would not necessarily have replaced any of the ports previously
> installed.

>From 9.1 release. I see a lot of apps having newer versions.

> If you were upgrading from some earlier version of FreeBSD then you'ld
> need to reinstall all your ports with stuff compiled for 9.x.  You can
> do that by:
>    pkg install -f

I might try -f flag. After getting txz files, I found them
in /var/cache/pkg/All directory. None of them installed. So,
I still have old packages. They work, but it is not what was
I will repeat: first I installed pkg. Then issued pkg2ng. I see
no difference in db dir. I changed server address to numerical
( Then I used "pkg update" to have it fresh. Last,
"pkg upgrade". It downloaded and lot more. I went further, with
kernel recompile. After reboot, I see older apps, from 9.1. Ones
for 9.2 are in before mentioned directory.

> Why does freebsd-update come into this?  That's for updating the base
> system.  It won't do anything to affect your ports directly.

I'm aware of that. But, it was a step in one of manuals (or "manuals").

> While is the IP number of the pkgrepo test server, the
> recommended way to use it is via this PACKAGESITE URL:
>    http://pkg-test.freebsd.org/pkg-test-${ABI}/latest

Does not work for me. I get nothing with this line in pkg.conf.
To say again, I have files on my node, but they do not install.
I messed something, but cannot find out what it is.
Does someone have success with pkg-test in conf file?
Best regards


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