Hello all.

I try with the use of zfs allow to create zfs datasets and share them
over NFS as a regular user.
If I use the zfs create command with the user I get the following errer.

# zfs create zroot/usr/home/test-allow
cannot share 'zroot/usr/home/test-allow': share(1M) failed
filesystem successfully created, but not shared.

The dataset is created, but no entry is made in /etc/zfs/export
It looks like it can not create the /etc/zfs/exports file and do the
mountd restart.

If I create the dataset as the root user it creates the dataset and it
shares it over NFS, this works well

I issued zfs allow  username clone,create,destroy,mount,share,sharenfs

Am I missing something, or is it not possible to do this as a normal user.


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