I have submitted a patch to the distributed ntp.conf to enable ntpd pool
client functionality.  This was not possible in the ancient version of
ntpd shipped with FreeBSD releases over the past several years.


Essentially this gives you a larger set of DYNAMIC servers from the
pool.  If ntpd decides one of the configured servers has become
unreliable it will drop it and configure a new one.

Also, there is a 'restrict source' command which provides template
access restrictions for upstream servers.  When a server is dynamically
configured, a dynamic restrict entry is created for it from the
'restrict source' template.  When a server is dynamically removed, its
'restrict' entry is also removed.

This is the result on a 10.2-BETA2 (r285783) server.

rwsrv02> ntpq -np
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
 0.freebsd.pool. .POOL.          16 p    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.004
 1.freebsd.pool. .POOL.          16 p    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.004
 2.freebsd.pool. .POOL.          16 p    -   64    0    0.000    0.000   0.004
+     2 u   27  128  377   43.168   -5.505   0.924
+    2 u   26  128  377   29.877   -4.786   0.749
-    3 u  212  256  377   46.560   -2.756   5.783
*    2 u   25  128  377   30.060   -4.859   0.783
-2001:418:3ff::1     2 u  165  256  377  173.324   -1.592   1.651
-2001:df0:fe:2::    3 u  106  256  377   44.177    4.080   3.690
+  2 u   20  128  377   46.288   -4.332   1.416

The same server running an un-patched ntp.conf looks like this.

rwsrv02> ntpq -np
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*    2 u   32   64   17   31.100   -7.764   3.887
+    3 u   32   64   17   40.181    2.001   2.074
+2001:df0:fe:2::    3 u   32   64   17   45.974    2.414   2.502

John Marshall

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