> ...more RAM? Always more RAM?
> Reality check please, this is an i386 Machine with 2 Gbytes.
> It has two of 3 sockets polluted with RAM Modules (1G), there is not 
> that
> much Space to give it more RAM.
> i386 is a supported architecture as far as I know, ok it where nice to
> have in i386 with 8 Gigs of RAM but there are not much motherboards out
> here that would support this..
> This remebers me to microsofts attemts to write Software, always more 
> and more CPU to fasten up endless loops..
> Regards,
> Holm

Of course i386 is supported, but in the near future arm will be tier 1 as
well. Not every arch can do everything equally well.

ZFS was designed to allow huge storage sizes (files are limited to 16
EiB). At some point the storage is just too big for fsck to make sense so
you use copy-on-write, and copy-on-write kills performance unless you do
a significant amount of caching. Thus the tradeoff is for big storage you
need big memory.

For an execellent rundown why ZFS does this and some comparisons to UFS I
highly recommend Dr. McKusick's "An Introduction to the Implementation of
ZFS" from BSDCan 2015:
Part 1, 18m https://youtu.be/UP_JfUUmDZo
Part 2, 54m https://youtu.be/l-RCLgLxuSc

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