On 24/12/2015 12:22am, rai...@ultra-secure.de wrote:
> Am 2015-12-23 13:25, schrieb Aristedes Maniatis:
>> I've had problems with freebsd-update for many years now. It is by far
>> the least reliable component of FreeBSD since I started with the
>> operating system back at 3.4 in 1999.
>> Anyhow, I'm usually able to get past the exceedingly slow downloads
>> and errors to the upgrade process, but this time nothing I do will get
>> me to the end. I've tried deleting /var/db/freebsd-update but several
>> hours later I was at the same place again. The internet link is fast,
>> but with a web proxy in this location, some downloads are slightly
>> delayed while the virus scanner on the proxy does its thing. Perhaps
>> 3-5 seconds delayed.
> The problem is phttpget or the proxy, depending on the point of view.
> Some proxies have (had) problems with the pipelined http requests that 
> phttpget seems to use.
> apt (Debian/Ubuntu) has, too - but they can be disabled altogether there.
> http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:OwcOVJamJOoJ:https://www.astaro.org/gateway-products/web-protection-web-filtering-application-visibility-control/55213-http-pipelining-broken-after-upgrade-utm-9-3-a.html+&cd=1&hl=de&ct=clnk&gl=ch
> IMO, there should be an option to use wget instead of phttpget. Or at least 
> disable the request-pipelining.
> There was a PR with patches floating around to make freebsd-update use wget, 
> but it never gained traction.
> Also, didn't phttpget have problems with proxies needing authentication?
> I usually have authentication at the proxy disabled for *.freebsd.org for 
> this reason.

In my case, the proxy doesn't need authentication. But I can see from the code 
(I've just discovered that freebsd-update is in fact a shell script) that if it 
fails, then on the next run it starts again from the beginning. No downloaded 
files are moved into the files folder until they all succeed.

I've found debug mode, and what it is doing is downloading every single file 
(1800 of them in my case) and then only at the end checking to see if the 
hashes are right. When it fails, it just stops and I need to start again. Each 
run takes about 40 minutes.


Aristedes Maniatis
Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
phone +61 2 9550 5001   fax +61 2 9550 4001
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