El 17/02/2016 a las 01:15 p. m., dweimer escribió:

They may not show as swapped unless the entire process is actually swapped, which would be unlikely to occur. Personally I wouldn't worry about it, the only thing I can think of is to restart processes one at a time to see which one clears up the swap usage. Granted you may see a little clear after each process.

The more important task would be to determine what caused the memory to run out in the first place, and decide if its going to be a frequent enough occurrence to justify adding physical memory to the system.

There is likely some way to find out what is using it, but that is beyond my knowledge.

   Dean E. Weimer

The server has 64 GB of RAM, 40-45 GB are always inactive thats why I'm wondering why are the processes being swapped out.

Thank you very much for your answers.
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