On Sunday, August 28, 2016, Dimitry Andric <d...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> On 28 Aug 2016, at 02:10, K. Macy <km...@freebsd.org <javascript:;>>
> wrote:
> >
> >> The problem here is that Phoronix took a Beta version of FreeBSD 11.
> >> Beta versions have a lot of debugging (malloc, invariants, witness)
> >> options enabled which make it significantly slower than release
> >> versions. This is even obviously when you run a Beta as a desktop. It
> >> just feels much slower.
> >
> >
> > I don't know what was going on in these particular tests, but in a
> > more recent benchmarking run
> > -https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=
> freebsd11-clang-gcc&num=1
> > - you're seeing the result of openmp being disabled in base. The clang
> > maintainer for src refuses to include libomp as required for -fopenmp
> > because nothing in base requires it.
> Come on, this is nonsense.  I have indicated earlier that I would have
> liked to import openmp into base, but this was shot down precisely for
> that reason: nothing in base uses it.
So for now, the solution is simply: install one of the llvm ports, and
> use it.  These have configuration setting to install every optional
> component from the LLVM project.

It's hardly nonsense. I didn't say that it couldn't be made to work by
installing the right ports, with the right options, if you pass the right
extra library paths (-fopenmp is sufficient on other platforms). I said
that it is not present in base. Thus out of the box performance is what we

Can you point to other platforms where the default system compiler has
disabled functionality? I think the whole concept of "base" may be
confusing things. Users don't care about what is base and what isn't. The
simple fact is you install a compiler with missing functionality, requiring
extra steps by the user that only make sense if you're a committer.


> -Dimitry
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