On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 12:01 PM, Eugene M. Zheganin <e...@norma.perm.ru> wrote:
> Hi,
> It's not my first letter where I fail to understand the space usage from zfs
> utilities, and in previous ones I was kind of convinced that I just read it
> wrong, but not this time I guess. See for yourself:
> [emz@san01:~]> zpool list data
> data  17,4T  7,72T  9,66T         -    46%    44%  1.00x  ONLINE -
> Here' as I understand it, zpool says that less than a half of the pool is
> used. As far as I know this is very complicated when it comes to the radiz
> pools. Let's see:
> [emz@san01:~]> zfs list -t all data
> data  13,3T   186G  27,2K  /data
> So, if we won't investigate further, it looks like that only 186G is free.
> Spoiling - this is the real free space amount, because I've just managed to
> free 160 gigs of data, and I really know I was short on space when sending
> 30 Gb dataset, because zfs was saying "Not enough free space". So, let's
> investigate further:
> [emz@san01:~]> zfs list -t all | more
> NAME                                USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
> data                               13,3T   186G  27,2K  /data
> data/esx                           5,23T   186G  27,2K  /data/esx
> data/esx/boot-esx26                8,25G   194G  12,8K  -
> data/esx/shared                    5,02T  2,59T  2,61T  -
> data/reference                     6,74T  4,17T  2,73T  -
> data/reference@ver7_214             127M      -  2,73T  -
> data/reference@ver2_739            12,8M      -  2,73T  -
> data/reference@ver2_740            5,80M      -  2,73T  -
> data/reference@ver2_741            4,55M      -  2,73T  -
> data/reference@ver2_742             993K      -  2,73T  -
> data/reference-ver2_739-worker100  1,64G   186G  2,73T  -
> This are getting really complicated now.
> What I don't understand is:
> - why the amount of free space changes from dataset to dataset ? I mean they
> all share the same free space pool, all have the same refreservation=none,
> but the AVAIL differs. When it comes to workerX datasets, it differs
> slightly, but when it comes to the large zvols, like esx/shared or
> reference, it differs a lot !
> - why the esx/shared and reference datasets are shown like they can be
> enlarged ? I mean, I really don't have THAT much of free space.
> Here are their properties:
> [emz@san01:~]> zfs get all data/esx/shared
> NAME             PROPERTY VALUE                         SOURCE
> data/esx/shared  refreservation 5,02T                         local
> [emz@san01:~]> zfs get all data/reference
> NAME            PROPERTY VALUE                         SOURCE
> data/reference  refreservation 3,98T                         local
> Could please someone explain why they show as having like half of the total
> pool space as AVAIL ? I thing this is directly related to the fact that
> zpool list shows only 44% of the total pool space is used. And I use this
> value to monitor the pool space usage, looks like I'm totally failing with
> this.

Some of your datasets have refreservations.  That's why.

> I also don't understand whe the zvol of the size 3.97T really uses 6.74T of
> the space. I found an article, explaing that the volblocksize and the sector
> size has to do something with this, and this happens when the device block
> size is 4k, and volblocksize is default, thus 8k. Mine disks sector size is
> 512 native, so this is really not the case. I'm also having equal number of
> disks in vdevs, and they are 5:

The AVAIL reported by zpool list doesn't account for RAIDZ overhead
(or maybe it assumes optimum alignment; I can't remember).  But the
USED reported by "zfs list" does account for RAIDZ overhead.

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