On Monday, March 05, 2018 08:19:24 AM Daniel Eischen wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Mar 2018, Trond Endrest�l wrote:
> > On Sat, 3 Mar 2018 18:09+0100, Holm Tiffe wrote:
> >
> >> can anyone get ddd get to work in 11.1-R or stable?
> >
> > I've more or less given up on devel/ddd, since it relies on the old
> > pty subsystem, now replaced by the new pts subsystem, to communicate
> > with gdb.
> >
> > I build custom kernels containing "device pty", but I'm not sure if
> > that directive is being honoured these days.
> >
> > It's a shame, 'cos ddd is very good at visualizing data structures.
> > Maybe it's possible to patch ddd to use pts instead of pty.
> I used to like ddd also.  You might try devel/gps.  It's more
> than just a debugger, but you can use it just for debugging.
> Note, it's been a while since I've used it, but worked similarly
> to ddd.

I patched ddd to use pts (was a short patch) but it still hangs for me
with both old and new gdb.  I think it is unfortunately abandonware. :(

John Baldwin

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