On Mon, 28 May 2018 13:44+0200, Christoph Moench-Tegeder wrote:

> has synth some special "optimization" for handling ldconfig?

Looking at src/replicant.adb of synth, I see it runs ldconfig when 
setting up each chroot env using this procedure:

   --  execute_ldconfig  --
   procedure execute_ldconfig (id : builders)
      smount      : constant String := get_slave_mount (id);
      bsd_command : constant String := chroot & smount &
                                       " /sbin/ldconfig -m /lib /usr/lib";
      lin_command : constant String := chroot & smount &
                                       " /usr/sbin/ldconfig /lib /usr/lib";
      case platform_type is
         when dragonfly | freebsd => execute (bsd_command);
         when linux => execute (lin_command);
         when netbsd | solaris => null;
         when unknown => null;
      end case;
   end execute_ldconfig;

synth probably expects the packages to handle localbase libraries upon 
installation in each chroot.

I can see one reason for not making /etc/rc.subr accessible inside 
each chroot, and thus a copy of the ldconfig startup script, and that 
is to prevent services from being started automatically within each 

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