24.10.2018 13:35, Eugene M. Zheganin wrote:

> On 28.04.2018 17:46, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I upgraded a server from 10.4 to 11.1 and now al of a sudden the server 
>> complains about:
>>     ZFS: Can't find pool by guid
>> And I end up in the boot prompt:
>> lsdev gives disk0 withe on p1 the partion that the zroot is/was.
>> This is an active server, so redoing install and stuf is nog going to be 
>> real workable....
>> So how do I get this to boot?
> The basic scenario for this is when you have a "shadow" pool on the bootable 
> disks with actual root pool - for example once you had a zfs pool on some 
> disks that were in dedicated mode, then you extracted these disks without 
> clearing the zpool labels (and 'zpool destroy' never clears the zpool labels) 
> and installed the system onto them. This way 'zpool import' will show the old 
> pool which has no live replicas and no live vdevs. The system on it may be 
> bootable (and will probably be) until the data gets redistributed in some 
> way, after that gptzfsboot will start to see the old pool remains, will try 
> to detect if this pool has bootfs on it - but in this case there's no valid 
> pool - so it will fall into error and stop working. Actually, the newer 11.2 
> gptzfsboot loader has more support of this - it clearly states the pool found 
> and mentions the error - thanks to all the guys that did a great work on 
> this, seriously.
> The way to resolve this is to detach disks sequentially from root pool (or 
> offline them in case of raidz), making 'zpool labelclear' on them (please 
> keep in mind that 'labelclear' is evil and ignorant, and breaks things 
> including GPT table) and attaching them back, resilvering, and repeating this 
> until 'zpool import' will show no old disassembled pools. Determining which 
> disks have the old labels can be done with 'zdb -l /dev/<disk> | grep name:'.
> I understand that your situation was resolved long ago, I'm writing this 
> merely to establish a knowledge point if someone will step on this too, like 
> I did yesterday.

There is quicker and easier way: just rename real pool to another name and use 

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