On 12/02/2019 20:17, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
> 13.02.2019 1:14, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
>> Use following command to see how much memory is wasted in your case:
>> vmstat -z | awk -F, '{printf "%10s %s\n", $2*$5/1024/1024, $1}' | sort -k1,1 
>> -rn | head
> Oops, small correction:
> vmstat -z | sed 's/:/,/' | awk -F, '{printf "%10s %s\n", $2*$5/1024/1024, 
> $1}' | sort -k1,1 -rn | head

I have a much uglier but somewhat more informative "one-liner" for
post-processing vmstat -z output:

vmstat -z | tail +3 | awk -F '[:,] *' 'BEGIN { total=0; cache=0; used=0 } {u =
$2 * $4; c = $2 * $5; t = u + c; cache += c; used += u; total += t; name=$1;
gsub(" ", "_", name); print t, name, u, c} END { print total, "TOTAL", used,
cache } ' | sort -n | perl -a -p -e 'while (($j, $_) = each(@F)) { 1 while
s/^(-?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/; print $_, " "} print "\n"' | column -t

This would be much nicer as a small python script.
Or, even, we could add a sort option for vmstat -z / -m.

Andriy Gapon
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