On May 19, 2019, at 9:46 PM, tech-lists <tech-li...@zyxst.net> wrote:


context is 12-stable, zfs, bhyve

I have a zvol-backed bhyve guest. Its zvol size was initially 512GB
It needed to be expanded to 4TB. That worked fine.

The problem is the freebsd guest is UFS and I can't seem to make it see
the new size. But zfs list -o size on the host shows that as far as zfs is
concerned, it's 4TB

On the guest, I've tried running growfs / but it says requested size is
the same as the size it already is (508GB)

gpart show on the guest has the following

# gpart show
=>        63  4294967232  vtbd0  MBR  (4.0T)
         63           1         - free -  (512B)
         64  4294967216      1  freebsd  [active]  (2.0T)
        4294967280          15         - free -  (7.5K)

=>         0  4294967216  vtbd0s1  BSD  (2.0T)
          0  1065353216        1  freebsd-ufs (508G)
 1065353216     8388544        2  freebsd-swap  (4.0G)
 1073741760  3221225456               - free -  (1.5T)

I'm not understanding the double output, or why growfs hasn't worked on
the guest ufs. Can anyone help please?

Given the above, the freebsd-ufs partition can't grow because there is a freebsd-swap partition between it and the free space you've added at the end of the volume.

You'd need to delete the swap partition (or otherwise move it to the end of the partition on the volume) before you could successfully growfs the freebsd-ufs partition.



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