On 4/17/2021 15:52, Pete French wrote:
So, am building a zpool on some encrypted discs - and what I have done is to partition the disc with GPT add a single big partition, and encrypt that. So the pool is on nda1p1.eli.

But I could, of course, encrypt the disc first, and then partition the encrypted disc, or indded just put the zpool directly onto it.

Just wondering what the general consensus is as to the best way to go here ... if there is one! :-) What do other people do ?

IMHO one reason to partition first (and the reason I do it) is to prevent "drive attachment point hopping" from causing an unwelcome surprise if/when there is a failure or if, for some reason, you plug a drive into a different machine at some point.  If you partition and label, then geli init and attach at "/dev/gpt/the-label" you now can label the drive carrier with that and irrespective of the slot or adapter that gets connected to on whatever machine it will be in the same place.  If it fails this also means (assuming you labeled the carrier) you know which carrier to yank and replace. Yanking the wrong drive can be an unpleasant surprise.

This also makes "geli groups" trivial in /etc/rc.conf for attachment at boot time irrespective of whether they physically come up in the same place (again typically yes, but in the case of a failure or you plug it into a different adapter.....)

Karl Denninger
k...@denninger.net <mailto:k...@denninger.net>
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