
On a 4-stable box, I can't seem to use pkg_add within a

# pwd
# ls *.tgz
# pkg_add *.tgz
can't stat package file '/usr/jail/000/tmp/zsh-3.0.8.tar.gz'

I think I've tracked it down to the __getcwd() syscall,
which seems to return the absolute path without caring
about the jail root.  This is bad.  In fact, it could be
regarded as a security problem, because nothing in userland
should be able to actually see the jail root.

As a workaround, ``sysctl debug.disablecwd'' seems to work.
It disables the syscall, then the getcwd() function in libc
traverses the directories back to "/" itself to build the
path.  pkg_add works fine now.

Can someone confirm my above analysis?  Should I submit a
PR?  Unfortunately, I don't have a real fix.  I didn't have
a closer look at the __getcwd() code, but it seems pretty
non-trivial to fix.


Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
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