If memory serves me right, Wency Arzadon wrote:

> I've been installing freebsd44 with source tree I downloaded.
> I know the files are compress and tar.. My question is I'm trying to 
> modify the source that gets installed especially src/etc/* files. I know
> this can be many ways, and i tried modifying src/setc.aa setc.inf, along
> with the files in ..src/etc, but its not working. 
> I'm using boot floppies, kernel, mfsroot, install.cfg, but its not
> installing the files i want, any pointers.

First, this question belongs on freebsd-questions, not freebsd-stable.

If you're installing FreeBSD on a new machine, the files from the src 
distribution are only needed or used if you want to recompile some part 
of FreeBSD later.  But they're not really a necessary part of getting 
the machine running, in the same way that the bin distribution is.

I suggest that you take a look at the Installation chapter of the 
FreeBSD handbook, which can be found on the FreeBSD Web site:


If you have any questions after that, you can send them to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], but you'll need to be much more specific
as to what you're trying to do and how.  Saying "it doesn't install"
doesn't give people enough information to help you.

Good luck,


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