On Wednesday, 29 May 2002 at  8:11:41 -0600, Scott Long wrote:
> On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 01:42:11PM +0930, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>> I'm sure that there are good reasons for small stripe sizes.  I don't
>> believe that efficiency is one of them.  I think your problem is that
>> you're looking at single-request latency.  That's usually not an
>> issue, though it may impact copy performance.  As I said, though,
>> that's not usually where you would use RAID-5.  The real issue is not
>> so much latency as throughput.  I hope I've been able to make it more
>> understandable.
> Greg,
> It is obvious that I have tread onto religious territory here, 

Not for me.  I've given you some very detailed arguments.  I also have
measurements which back them up.

> and as such there is probably little I can say to convince you of my
> points.

Well, you could start by trying.

> I think that we must then agree to disagree =-)

I'd much rather see some technical arguments from you.

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