Rabinovich has died and revived. Enjoys life quietly.
The Pope of Rome calls him, and asks:
- My son, you have died and revived, you should know
for certain. Please tell me honestly: is there the
- I understand how it's important to you, - Rabinovich
answers. - But I'm afraid I have to disappoint you:
there is no any Lord present...
- Thank you for your frankness. Take a cheque for a
million dollars as our gratitude and, please, don't
speak to anybody about our conversation. I bless
you... [sign and sigh follow]

Rabinovich lives further. One day KGB agents kidnap
him and bring upon eyesight of Lenny Brezhnev (former
Secretary General of the Soviet Communist Party):
- Rabinovich, we know you have successfully died and
revived, so tell us about god. Truth only, please.
- Of course, I understand. - Rabinovich says. - I have
been there for a while, and personally met him...
- All right, enough. Here is a million roubles in gold
and diamonds, you are free to go, but better be

Life goes on. Once upon a time some guys (presumably
CIA representatives) visit him and carry to Jimmy
Carter, a President in the Office. He declares:
- It's well-known that the United States is a free
country. To us, anyway, all the same, but I'm
interesting a little. Tell me the truth: what's about
the God?
- I understand that to you, in general, all the same,
- Rabinovich responds quietly. - Why not, I shall tell
to you the truth: the God is, but he's a black!

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