I did not have much luck on digging through the archives. Does anyone have
any sucess stories on using external firewire drives on the stable branch
of freebsd?  Does hot swap work?  Can I mount, dd or ufsdump or
newfs/rsync, then umount and unplug it cleanly?

I'm considering my options for doing once-a-month backups, and tape just
totally blows the budget.  I'm currently using a second drive to produce
snapshots, but that doens't leave me with any off-site backups without
taking the system down to swap drives.

 Jason Fesler, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://gigo.com/resume.html
 "Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day;
 set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."
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