Some of you may have noticed the creation of the RELENG_4_9 branch on
the src/ tree.  This is, of course, the release branch for FreeBSD
4.9, which will become the security-fix branch at some point after the

Please remember that this does *not* mean that FreeBSD 4.9 is
ready.  It's not official until release tags are down, distributions
have been built and uploaded to the FTP sites, and, most importantly, a
PGP-signed release announcement has been sent to the freebsd-announce@
mailing list.  There's still a bit of work to be done to get to this 
point, such as changing version numbers, testing, the actual builds, 
more testing, and so on.

(For the release engineering team)

PS.  Just me talking answer the question that is probably
foremost in many of your minds:

I don't have an exact date for the release.  Stay tuned.


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