On Wed, 17 Mar 2004, Holger Kipp wrote:

> >we have similar experince with some of our new boxes based on
> >Via chipset. It seems to me that the attached device is innocent (same
> >errors as yours - uhub port errors, umass detached, umass BBB reset
> >failed etc.) and that the problem is somewhere on Via's side. We are
> >still analysing the problem - but did you get any further since then?
> Unfortunately not - I was still 'waiting' for someone who deals with
> usb/umass to shed some light on the issue or asking the right questions.

I would love to, if I could find hardware that reproduces the problem.  I
went shopping for USB thumb drives a while back and only came up with
working ones.

I have a Soyo KT400 Dragon Lite machine at home.

Doug White                    |  FreeBSD: The Power to Serve
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