On Sun, 2004-12-19 at 00:15 +0100, Matthias Schuendehuette wrote:
> Am Samstag, 18. Dezember 2004 23:35 schrieb Paul Mather:
> >
> > The biggest problem you'll have is if your system suffers the ATA
> > "TIMEOUT - WRITE_DMA" woe that bedevils some of us under 5.3.  When
> > that happens, your mirror will be knocked into a degraded state (half
> > of your mirrored plexes will be marked down) even though the drive is
> > okay. Unfortunately, without "setstate" being implemented in "gvinum"
> > to mark the drive as up, thereby allowing you to issue "gvinum
> > start"s for the "downed" plexes, there's little more you can do to
> > get the "failed" drive recognised as being in the "up" state other
> > than to reboot. [...]
> 'gvinum setstate' was MFCed from -current together with 'gvinum 
> checkpatity' and 'gvinum rebuildparity' a week ago or so...
> So that should make it easier to handle these ATA-Problems...

That's great to hear!  (I'd been hoping for an MFC5.)  It's handy, too,
as I just recently got another one of those "TIMEOUT - WRITE DMA"
induced "failures," which was getting to be a real drag. :-(

I'll update my 5.3-STABLE system right away...



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