On 16/01/2005, at 4:21 AM, Vinod Kashyap wrote:

You seem to running twa version This is the driver prior to the recent update. Do you see the hang even with this? The latest version is

What do you mean even with this?
Oops I see ; sorry. I just wanted to point where the hang was, the dump I posted was made with a Kernel compiled back in November (still from RELENG_5).
Obviously I can't give you a dump of the new kernel has when booting the kernel compiler last Friday I lost the access to it

I haven't had the chance to try your patch yet; i don't have physical access to the server until Monday and i don't want to take the risk of starting a kernel that will hang.

Jean-Yves Avenard
Hydrix Pty Ltd - Embedding the net
www.hydrix.com | fax +61 3 9572 2686 | phone +61 3 9572 0686 ext 100

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