On Mon, Feb 14, 2005 at 01:28:08PM +0100, Oliver Fromme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was 
witnessed plotting the following conspiracy:
>  > Oh I would not suggest removing Beastie altogether Jesper! That one is too 
>  > well known, but to add a supplementary angel with the feminine would add 
> to the 
>  > Package.  I am not talking St. Michael here, but rather Lillith, or Mary, 
> or 
>  > one of Lot's daughters, or even Dinah (who was raped), or the Harlot by 
> the 
>  > side of the road...no, not the harlot, because it would better be the 
> absolute 
>  > opposite of Beastie...but not too soft, not Bianca, but the shrew.  
> Probably a 
>  > Mary would make a good bet.
> AFAIK, one of the main points of that logo competition is
> to do away with anything that could be interpreted in an
> religious way.  Therefore an image of an Angel would be
> completely inappropriate.  (Why feminine anyway?  Beastie
> has no specific gender, therefore it would be best to not
> bias the logo one way or the other.)
> Also take into account that a logo is not a mascot and
> should not be designed in a way that it could be confused
> with the mascot (Beastie will still exist), so the logo
> should not contain a person or creature.
> Just my 2 cents, YMMV.
> Best regards
>    Oliver
Such a goal makes no sense. No matter what logo is chosen, it *will*
offend /someone/ in /some way/. Though, maybe a plain black square would
work, but on the other hand, it could be racist. See? You cannot win.

Dan Ponte
It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than forgiveness for
being right.
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