On Thu, 7 Apr 2005 18:41:44 +1000, Warren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have had a few problems with my machine of late, but all of a sudden Sound
dosent seem to be loading or working an dim unsure of why this is happening.

The correct module is loaded and dmesg shows its all there .. but when i
check /dev/sndstat its empty.

Any ideas appreciated.

Why don't you post some more info about your system? For example: the output of 'uname -a', the output of 'dmesg', the type of hardware that you are using.
What does 'all of a sudden' mean? Did you upgrade something?

I'm not telling that I can solve your problem, but other people need to know these things before they can help.


 Ronald Klop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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