On Wednesday, 30 March 2005 at 15:25:37 -0800, Peter Wemm wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 March 2005 03:09 pm, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 30 March 2005 at 16:04:44 -0700, Scott Long wrote:
>>> Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>>>> As I described, it doesn't appear to be the drivers.
>>> I don't see how you proved or disproved this.
>> Shall I resend the original message?  It seems independent of any
>> particular driver.  That's not proof, of course, but I didn't claim
>> it was.
> Greg:  The busdma problems from 5.3-RELEASE are fixed.  That doesn't
> mean that there are no *other* problems.  Scott is saying "the old
> busdma bug shouldn't be affecting 5.4-PRE", and he's correct.

Yes, now I understand.

> Most likely, something else is happening, eg: you're running out of KVM
> or something silly like that.  I know we're right on the brink at 8GB.
> The layout of the devices may be just enough to tip it over the edge.

Yes, this seems reasonable.  Where should I look next?  I'm currently
rebuilding world and will attempt a verbose boot via serial console
when it's done.  Anything else I should try?

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