Doug White wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2005, Rob wrote:
>>--- Doug White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>AFAIK the RZ1000 bug was that it would corrupt data
>>>to the slave channel if the primary channel was
>>>also active.  If you only have one device then
>>>you may not be able to reproduce it.
>>I have two harddisks on ata0:
>> ad0: 520MB <ST3660A>
>>      [1057/16/63] at ata0-master BIOSPIO
>> ad1: 2423MB <SAMSUNG WINNER-3 WN32543A(2.5GB)>
>>      [4924/16/63] at ata0-slave BIOSPIO
>>ad0 has the base OS, and ad1 has /usr/src and
>>/usr/obj for recompiling world and kernel.
>>So far no problems.
>>However, if I remember well, the other IDE connector
>>on the motherboard does not seem to work, which now
>>I realize could be caused by the buggy RZ 1000 chip.
> Entirely possible.

With FreeBSD 4-Stable running still fine, I get this:

 # grep ata /var/run/dmesg.boot
 atapci0: <RZ 100? ATA controller !WARNING! buggy
      chip data loss possible> at device 1.0 on pci0
 atapci0: ATA channel disabled by BIOS
 ata0 at port 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 irq 14 on isa0
 ata1 at port 0x170-0x177,0x376 irq 15 on isa0
 ad0: 520MB <ST3660A> [1057/16/63] at ata0-master
 ad1: 2423MB <SAMSUNG WINNER-3 WN32543A(2.5GB)>
      [4924/16/63] at ata0-slave BIOSPIO

 # vmstat -i | grep -i ata
 interrupt                   total       rate
 rl0 irq11                 3187504          1
 fdc0 irq6                       2          0
 ata0 irq14               33429902         17
 sio0 irq4                       3          0
 sio1 irq3                       1          0
 clk irq0                187773091        100
 rtc irq8                240341556        127
 Total                   464732059        247

So ata1 (irq 15) is not in the interrupt table !?!
What does that mean?

As a reminder: I have following in dmesg output:

 atapci0: <RZ 100? ATA controller !WARNING! buggy
      chip data loss possible> at device 1.0 on pci0
 atapci0: ATA channel disabled by BIOS

For the harddisk to be recognized by the kernel, I
need exactly this in the kernel config:
  device ata0 at isa? port IO_WD1 irq 14
  device ata1 at isa? port IO_WD2 irq 15
Without these lines in the kernel config, I get a
fatal 'no root device found' error at bootup.

Apart from these peculiar findings, 4-Stable is
running flawlessly on this old Pentium-1 PC.


Another reminder: when I try to install 5.3 on this
PC, I get a "no disk found" error at a very early
stage of the installation procedure. I hope to
investigate this further in a not-so-near future....


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