Maxi Combina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > Personally, I have used the ext2fs driver for exactly one
 > > reason:  to migrate data from Linux to FreeBSD on machines
 > > which are being converted from the Dark Side.  And that
 > I do not seed the need of insult other OS.

And I do not see any insult.

(If you're referring to the "Dark Side" pun, then maybe you
should check whether /dev/irony is working correctly for
you.  I really thought it wouldn't be necessary to add a
smiley in that place, but unfortunately I seemed to be

 > Even worse if the other OS is open source (as linux).

Being open source doesn't mean that a piece of software is
any good.  In fact, I've seen a lot of open source which
is just plain crap.  (OK, now _this_ is an insult, but I
didn't mention any specific software in particular.)

 > Linux has its _really_ good points.

Well, I don't see any.  But everybody is free to have his
own opinion.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
Any opinions expressed in this message may be personal to the author
and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of secnetix in any way.

"IRIX is about as stable as a one-legged drunk with hypothermia
in a four-hundred mile per hour wind, balancing on a banana
peel on a greased cookie sheet -- when someone throws him an
elephant with bad breath and a worse temper."
        -- Ralf Hildebrandt
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