>>>>> "KK" == Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 KK> And what was wrong with casting your eye one line down, clicking on
 KK> "Message-ID" and entering it in the search box at

 KK>   http://www.freebsd.org/search/search-mid.html

Ah, there it is.  Thank you!

 KK> Is it really rendered in an invisible font for several people not to
 KK> have seen it?

Close; it is rendered only it what seems to be a table of contentes
for the current page, but actually is a combination of a "local toc"
and a liks collection.  Not the most user-friendly device in a web
page ...

Rasmus Kaj --+-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --+-- http://www.stacken.kth.se/~kaj/
Hiroshime 45, Tjernobyl 86, Windows 95
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