
> I caught a panic this night on my RELENG_5.  The kernel was compiled on
> 2005/05/21.  Please, feel free to ask for further informations (and
> include me explicitely in the recipients list since I'm not subscribed
> to this list).
> kgdb stacktrace:
> %%%
> [snip]
> %%%

I was a little bit sleepy earlier this morning.  I forgot to tell that
my kernel is compiled with INVARIANTS and PREEMPTION.

(kgdb) up 26
#26 0xc05ee0d5 in arpresolve (ifp=0xc1a5b000, rt0=0xc1d44000, m=0xc1be7200,
    dst=0xd6d3fa94, desten=0xd6d3fa2c "/æ]ÀäµwÀ")
    at ../../../netinet/if_ether.c:442
442                     m_freem(la->la_hold);
(kgdb) l
437              * There is an arptab entry, but no ethernet address
438              * response yet.  Replace the held mbuf with this
439              * latest one.
440              */
441             if (la->la_hold)
442                     m_freem(la->la_hold);
443             la->la_hold = m;
444             if (rt->rt_expire) {
445                     RT_LOCK(rt);
446                     rt->rt_flags &= ~RTF_REJECT;
(kgdb) print *la
$1 = {la_le = {le_next = 0xc1e74400, le_prev = 0xc077aa68},
  la_rt = 0xc1d44000, la_hold = 0x0, la_preempt = 5, la_asked = 0}

Jeremie Le Hen
< jeremie at le-hen dot org >< ttz at chchile dot org >
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