On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 09:00:05PM +0700, Khanh Cao Van wrote:
> Peter Jeremy tell me that I have to update libpthread to be able to
> install JDK 1.4 on freeBSD 4.7 . But I could not find out what ports
> contain that lib . Help me if you know .

There is no /usr/src/lib/libpthread for FreeBSD-4.x He probably meant

> Please do not tell me about why still using freeBSD 4.7 . It not my
> own , it the customer's and I have to work on it if I do not want my
> project false . If I was , I'll take the latest 5.4 immediatly

Why doesn't it work on 4.7 then ?
The oldest one I still have running is:

drwxr-xr-x  2 root  wheel  512 Jan 23  2004 /var/db/pkg/jdk-1.4.2p5


FreeBSD world.ilse.net 4.8-STABLE FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #0: Mon Jul 21
17:26:16 CEST 2003


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