heh...typed too fast. It appears that my array filling script didn't die when I 
told it to, or maybe an older instance was still running. Hard to say for sure, 
but it was still running and when I made room on the array it started filling 
it up. Just like it was supposed to.

Sorry for the trouble. Nothing to see here...move along. :)

Brandon Fosdick wrote:
The machine is an amd64 running 5.4-S with a 3ware 9500S-12 card.

I wrote a test script to fill up the raid array with lots of files, and it did just that. Afterwards I did a 'rm *' to clean out the test files and naturally checked the results with ls. All the files were gone. For some reason, after waiting a few seconds, I did ls again. Some of the files had magically reappeared. After a few more seconds, more files were back. Its still happening as I type this. The drive lights are flashing wildly, but I kind of expected that. df is also showing that the array is filling back up.

Any ideas? Is my computer possessed?
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