On Wednesday 09 Nov 2005 12:22 am, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> > I thought that was only for devices that exist at boot? I have my DVD
> > burner set up in devfs.conf so I can use it as my user (reading and
> > burning with some other tweaks[1]).
> Nope, it's applied to all devices as they are created as well as
> pre-existing ones.

Ah, cool. :-)

> > ...and this turned out to be the missing piece in the jigsaw.
> Yeah it took me a while to find out you needed that too :)


> > [1] One of the reasons I first tried FreeBSD as a desktop OS was because
> > it has better support for CD/DVD burning as a user than Linux does (I
> > still can't get burning working reliably with Gentoo but FreeBSD works
> > flawlessly). And the sound system is much better but that's another
> > story.
> >
> > :-)
> Weird, I would expect it to be largely the same.

I don't want to say too much, it being OT and all, but a change in Linux 2.6.8 
has meant that I have to run my burning software as root to get a reliable 
burn. I've yet to find a solution to that problem.

> PS another way to do this would be to create a devd file which does the
> chmod's for this particular device (instead of blindly changing all da
> devices).

I have things working, I'm happy. :-)

I'll look at other options and better set ups when I have either the need or 
the time. :-)

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