I had this as well. It means that your DHCP server returns an invalid search domain.

The easy way to solve it (if you have access) is to set the search domain to something valid in your DHCP server (Linksys router by any chance?). I couldn't find a flag on dhclient to tell it to ignore invalid search domains: this would be really handy so that you can connect to badly set up networks when you don't have access to the router.


Mark Space wrote:
Hi all,

I just set up the latest 6.0 release, and I'm getting errors with the DHCP client. Trying to pull a network address during start up, I get:

Bogus domain search list 15: domain_not_set.invalid

This repeats several times before giving up. Google tells me that this problem was report by two users on the bsd-current list. No one ever replied to their inquiries (at least on the list), so I thought to try once more to see if there's any interest in addressing this issue.
More info was in the original post:

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