Kevin Oberman wrote:

Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 18:14:01 +0100
From: martinko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kevin Oberman wrote:
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 14:29:39 -0600
From: Craig Boston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-cpu0: <ACPI CPU (4 Cx states)> on acpi0
+cpu0: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0

Q: Guessing that's a formatting difference, rather then 6.x not recognizing the states (sysctl hw.acpi.cpu.cx_supported confirms 4 states)
Not sure on this, but you're probably better off using EST anyway as I
think it gives you more control over the processor frequency.
No. There is no conflict between Cx states and EST. Cx states specifies
how deeply the CPU will sleep when idle. EST controls processor speed
and voltage. In most cases, your REALLY want to use both of these. They
are very significant in saving power. (Of course, USB tends to limit the
effectiveness of Cx states. I need to run without USB to get really good
battery life and to make suspend (S3) really ut power drain.

I used to have 3 Cx states supported when I started with FreeBSD on version 5.3. Since I upgraded to 5.4 and recently to 6.0, all I can see is just one supported Cx state. I much wonder why. (?)

What value do you have in /etc/rc.conf (if any) for
performance_cx_lowest? It defaults to HIGH which will limit you to only
the most power hungry sleep state (simple halt). This was made the
default because some hardware was breaking when this was defaulted to
LOW. T0 get other Cx states to be utilized, add
'performance_cx_lowest="LOW"' to /etc/rc.conf.

i see.


# grep cx /etc/rc.conf.local


# sysctl hw.acpi.cpu
hw.acpi.cpu.cx_supported: C1/1
hw.acpi.cpu.cx_lowest: C1
hw.acpi.cpu.cx_usage: 100.00%

and, imho, cx_supported should list all available states, doesn't matter what is in rc.conf. (well, at least i reckon it's supposed to work that way.)


i already had 3 Cx states back on 5.3.
and when i had them, C2 was used most often (and C3 wasn't at all iirc).

so what has changed in the system please and how am i to get back my states please ??

many thanks,

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