On Sun, Jan 22, 2006 at 02:52:44AM -0500, Forrest Aldrich wrote:
> I reported this problem a few OS versions back... pre-6.  I'm on 
> FreeBSD-6-STABLE, and I've found the dhclient once again "wedged" in a 
> mode that was eating a lot of CPU.  
> The solution is to kill it, and restart.
> I'm on Comcast's network, so I don't really know if their DHCP server is 
> doing something that FreeBSD's stock dhclient doesn't like; however, I 
> wonder if someone else has noticed this problem, etc.
Yes, I've also had the same problem (6.0-RELEASE), on Comcast also.
I installed isc-dhcp3-client-3.0.3_1 from ports and haven't had a 
problem since. (crossing fingers ;=)

Kelly D. Grills

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