Dmitriy Kirhlarov wrote:
Hi, all

I need building my own install server and want install my custom
world, custom kernel and other in non-interactive mode.
With 6.1-beta3 it work in mass (I not try install my kernel).
With 6.1-beta4 and more fresh I can't get non-interactive

1. I can't find how to select timezone non-interactive.
2. I can't good variant for installing my own kernel (now I use

/dist/my.custom.installer -- simple script:

cd /dist/kernels
rm -rf /boot/kernel
ln -s /boot/OILSPACE1 /boot/kernel
but it's hack.

It seems simpler to just setup OILSPACE1 as the GENERIC kernel on your install iso so everything else would work as intended. Doing that would require a small change to release/Makefile to make "GENERIC" a name you can set from the command line.

I'm not sure when the custom installer script gets run but be sure to look at install.c:installFixupKernel as it might explain some of your problems. There was also a bug in the script that was fixed after BETA4.

In general the recent changes for packaging+installing kernels should simplify _adding_ custom kernels to an install but not replacing GENERIC and/or SMP kernel configurations.

Also I have question about making my own release.

I can't understand, how to create my own loader.conf for pxeboot.
Default not work -- machine panic with "no init" diagnose. Reason --
need string in loader.conf:
(I need some another strings for my own loader.conf)

For creating release I use command:
make release BUILDNAME=6.1-PRERELEASE CHROOTDIR=/usr/release \
LOCAL_PATCHES=/usr/src_local_patches NO_FLOPPIES=yes NO_ISOS=yes \

KERNELS_BASE was not intended to be overridden as sysinstall has builtin knowledge about "GENERIC" and "SMP". KERNELS is documented as a knob to set to add additional kernel configurations to an iso.

My local patches -- only new unionfs currently.
install.cfg I put in /usr/src/release directory.

Can anybody help me with auto-select timezone, right way for
installing kernel and place in source tree for PXE loader.conf?

I don't know about the timezone setting. Hopefully the above helps with setting up a custom kernel. FWIW I used qemu to test the release+sysinstall changes (in case you aren't aware of it).

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