Hi all

I'm disappointed by the stablity of FreeBSD 6-stable (I known it's
developpement branche). 

I'm using FreeBSD from 3.4 and using regulary 5-stable in production. 

Now on my central server (nfs server) I make big update, and running 
6-stable from 02/2006. From this date until today I've 4 or 5 big crash (the 
interface just disapper (with watchdog message). But when I'm using 4.x I
have zero crash during 3.5 years. And on my other servers (~ 15 ) running
FreeBSD I never have so many crash, event on student's servers.

I've send a message on this mailing-list. Now I follow the advise and today
(after new crash) I'm running with polling on my network interface.

I've already see some other users to have same problem.

Maybe it's very hard to developper to fix this problem because I can't
reproduce, just after 10-15 days the server crash. Sometime I don't have
any prompt on the console, sometime I can make a clean reboot. But IMHO
(please don't shoot me) fix this kind of problem is very very important
and more more important to have some wifi device.

If I going to www.freebsd.org I see 

        FreeBSD power to serve

and for «serve» we (sysadmin like me) need network interface.

Personnaly I'm very sad to can't help anyone, I'm just user (sysadmin on
Educational environnement) and I'm not developper (The more complexe
"software" I ever made is....hello_world.c).

Thanks for all developpers.


Albert SHIH
Universite de Paris 7 (Denis DIDEROT)
U.F.R. de Mathematiques.
7 ième étage, plateau D, bureau 10
Heure local/Local time:
Wed Apr 5 21:49:37 CEST 2006
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