
> > This bug was seen not on all computers. Currently
> > I found 3 PC with this problem (two on AMD platform,
> > one on Intel). Video adapters on them are also
> > different.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> Its really unlikely to be a video adapter problem.  You
> could debug this by adding a 'set -x' to the beginning
> of /etc/rc.
This does not help :( There is no output at all, commands
aren't display too.

The problem is much more complex, I suppose. Not only rc-scripts
messages aren't display, there are no messages at all, 
from any scripts and programs, started between kernel boot and
login prompt. 
But kernel messages displayed OK. For example, I've enabled 
fuse kernel module and tried to boot on such PC. Kernel message
about Fuse version was displayed, but message "Starting fusefs",
which must be printed by starting script in /usr/local/etc, 
was not shown.


.O. | Sergei Mozhaisky
..O | http://frenzy.org.ua/
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