Hello, and thank you for your reply.

Quoting Norberto Meijome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Wed, 09 Aug 2006 21:24:36 -0700
"Chris H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Mark, and thank you for your prompt reply.

Quoting Mark Kirkwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Chris H. wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I just recenlly found that I am almost always unable to
>> build X (Xorg) related applications on a 5.5 box that has
>> pretty recent source. The applications all die during the
>> make process with the following error:
>> error: syntax error before "_X_SENTINEL"
>> Any to fix this? Googling indicates that this is a common
>> problem without a solution.
>> System runs Xorg 6.9.
>> Thank you for all your time and consideration.
> I saw this:
> http://support.zenwalk.org/index.php?PHPSESSID=84b9cfbdfe961f45c90c7c47960b2268&topic=2134.msg11956
> Might be worth a try.

Yes, I caught the thread on that board. But didn't find the solution you
provided. Thanks! That was the /magic/ required to stop the whining offender
(gdkx.h). After some more research and investigation, this anomoly
appears to be a GTK/GD issue, and not X. I'm trying to figure out how to
get this #ifdef hack sucked in globally for the gtk/gd environment. I'm
/pretty/ sure gdkx.h will probably cover it. But would rather have it
sucked in from a seperate file. So as to not contaminate the actual header
file. I've cc'd the ports list, in hopes there is a better solution and
(even better) a newer version that resolves this problem.

Hi all,
interesting this is appearing ... I had this problem around 23rd of march on my laptop running 6-STABLE at the time. I am not sure if this is the *same* issue,
BUT I think it went like this...

xproto's makefile says it conflicts with xorg-libraries-*
CONFLICTS=      XFree86-libraries-* xorg-libraries-*

i think that I had installed by hand one of the X lib-packages and that had
made the whole problem. conflicting libraries and include files. I removed all
the extra Xfree86 libs and Xorg, reinstalled Xorg and that was it.

I am not saying this is your problem... but it may be worth a try.

Xfree86 lib-packages that were installed in my system at the time:

They definitely install files (under include and lib/ ) that xorg provides.

Thank you for your suggestion. But if I understand you correctly, I don't
think that I fall into this catagory. I installed with the Source Developer
option from the CD (no X, no Games). Then performed:

cvsup -g -L 2 /root/stable-src-supfile && \
cvsup -g -L 2 /root/ports-supfile && portsdb -uU && pkgdb -F

Then edited: /usr/sys/i386/conf/generic and saved to my custom config.
Performed a make buildworld,
make buildkernel
make installkernel
etc, etc...

Then I built the entire Xorg-6.9 server and libraries from source.
Everything worked/ performed as expected. I have not made anything
that required XFree86 (and friends) - it's purely Xorg.
But recently, I am recieving the error(s) mentioned /every/ time
I build anything that depends on GTK - /anything/. That's why I
was sure there is an issue in the GTK/GD source as provided in the
ports tree. I have no difficulties with anything unless GTK is involved.

Thanks again for your response.


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