Adrian Steinmann wrote:

On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 08:36:21AM +0200, Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 08:29:13AM +0200, Adrian Steinmann wrote:
In my kernel config, I have

   options FAST_IPSEC
   device padlock
   device crypto

Yet when I configure racoon from ipsec-tools, racoon2, or iked for
dynamic keying, I get a "PFKEYv2 UPDATE" (or similar) failure. When
I set net.inet.ipsec.crypto_support=0 these same dynamic ike key
configurations work, albeit without HW crypto accelleration.

Has anyone else observed this and know what the problem is?
Is this after my recent padlock(4) update in RELENG_6?
Both for RELENG_6_1 (new VIA C7 padlock support) and RELENG_6 (VIA C3)
show this behavior on respective VIA processors. It's as if FAST_IPSEC
can't register a new key session with crypto device...

If you can point me where to debug (in padlock_* files?) I'd be happy
to help.

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I see the same problem with 6.1 without the changes from Pawel.



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