Julian H. Stacey wrote:


Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: Kris Kennaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

lol, that's the stupidest thing I've heard all week.

Inflamatory.  Refered to postmaster.

Julian, meet Kris.  Kris has been the head of the FreeBSD ports team for
a large number of years.  He's also written and presented several papers
on FreeBSD performance, among many other hobbies and interests.  He's a
pretty laid back and fun guy, with a sharp sense of humor.

Kris, meet Julian.  Julian has been a FreeBSD user, contributor, and
advocate since before there was such a such a thing as 'FreeBSD', or
even 'http' for that matter.  I've never met him in person, but based on
the many years worth of emails I've seen from him, he seems like a
pretty decent and smart fellow.

Julian, meet Paul Saab.  Paul was a key FreeBSD developer for many years
at Yahoo.  He's worked on many areas of the FreeBSD codebase, and has
been instrumental in gaining and coordinating support for FreeBSD from
many corporate vendors.  He also runs mu.org as a hobby and as an
informal hosting service for many FreeBSD developers, including Kris.
He might also one day be able to keep up with me on a snowboard, but
we'll just have to wait and see.

So, like, now you all know each other, and stuff, so, like, try to get
along, m-kay?


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