On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 11:03:36AM +0100, Pete French wrote:
P> > This is a known problem. It is fixed in HEAD, but unfortunately it
P> > isn't mergeable to RELENG_6. The problem isn't related to either pf,
P> > ipf or NIC drivers.
P> This is a little alarming - because what you seem to be saying is that
P> if you have DL360's then you need to either run current, or accept that
P> they will panic every so often for as long as you are running RELENG_6.
P> We are looking to change our hardware soon, and DL360's were top of the
P> list for replacements!

Again, this has nothing to do with hardware. It is general problem in RELENG_6.

P> Is there a PR reference for this describing the solution to the problem
P> in HEAD somewhere that I could take a look at ?

The problem wasn't fixed with a single commit. Maybe Robert, who is carbon
copied,  can provide more details.

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